14 Mart 2010 Pazar

The Tale of Human Evolution is Full of Deceptions

Throughout geologic history, more than 6,000 species of ape have lived, and most have gone extinct. Today, only 120 ape species remain on the Earth. But those approximately 6,000 extinct species of apes constitute a rich resource for the evolutionists. They created a scenario for human evolution that suited their purposes by arranging some of the skulls of extinct ape species and human races in an order, from the smallest to the largest and embellishing them with prejudiced comments. By using these methods, they have been trying for years to gain adherents for the theory of evolution and deceive people. But now they need to see that the methods they’ve employed are no longer of any use.
Some of the fabricated evidence that evolutionists use to convince others that the scenario of human evolution is true are these:
1. The Piltdown Man, discovered by Charles Dawson in 1912 and which was alleged to be 500,000 years old, was displayed as an absolute proof of so-called human evolution. However, about 40 years after the “fossil” was discovered, scientists examined it once more and revealed an astonishing forgery. The Piltdown Man’s skull belonged to a 500-year-old man, and its mandibular bone belonged to a recently deceased ape. The teeth had been specially arranged and added to the jaw, and their joints filed down in order to make them resemble those of a human. Then all these pieces of bone had been stained with potassium dichromate to give them an ancient appearance.
2. In 1922, Henry Fairfield Osborn, the director of the American Museum of Natural History, declared that he had found a fossilized molar tooth belonging to the Pliocene epoch in western Nebraska near Snake Brook. This tooth allegedly bore the common characteristics of both man and ape, and came from a new species dubbed “Nebraska Man.” Based on this single tooth, reconstructions of Nebraska Man’s head and body were conjectured. Moreover, Nebraska Man was even pictured with his entire family! But in 1927, other parts of the skeleton were also found, and these newly discovered pieces showed that the tooth belonged neither to a man nor to an ape, but to an extinct species of wild American pig called Prosthennops.
3. Ramapithecus is known to be the biggest and longest-lasting fallacies of the theory of evolution. This name was given to fossils found in India in 1932, which allegedly represented the first stage of the split between the man and the ape, which supposedly occurred 14 million years ago. This fossil was used as solid evidence by the evolutionists for 50-some years. However, further analysis revealed that the dental characteristics of Ramapithecus were quite similar to that of some living chimpanzees. For example, Theropithecus galada, a high-altitude baboon living in Ethiopia, has incisors and canines, which are small relative to those of other living apes, and a short face like Ramapithecus. In the April 1982 issue of Science, an article titled “Humans lose an early ancestor” announced that Ramapithecus is only an extinct orangutan.

4. In July 1984, a nearly complete fossilized skeleton of an obvious human was discovered in Lake Turkana in Kenya. It is assumed that this fossil, nicknamed Turkana Boy, had been about 12 years old, and would have stood 1.83 meters tall when he became an adult. The erect structure of the skeleton is in no way different from humans today. The long, tall build of this skeleton totally matches with the skeletons of men currently living in the world’s tropical regions. Richard Leakey said that this boy would go unnoticed in a crowd today.4 Since this human skeleton was found in strata dated to be 1.6 million years old, it was classified by age alone as another representative of Homo erectus. The Turkana Boy is a typical example of the prejudiced and tendentious interpretation of the fossils by evolutionists.
5. “Lucy” is the name given to the fossil discovered by anthropologist Donald Johanson in 1974. Many evolutionists claimed that Lucy was the transitional form between the humans and their so-called hominid ancestors. However further analysis on this fossil revealed that Lucy is only the member of an extinct ape species, known as Australopithecus. The brain size of the Australopithecus is similar to chimpanzees. Many other characteristics—such as details in their skulls, the closeness of their eyes, their sharp molar teeth, their mandibular structure, their long arms and short legs—constitute evidence that these creatures were no different from today’s chimpanzees. Even the pelvis is similar to that of chimpanzees.5
6. Richard Leakey presented the skull designated KNM-ER 1470—which he said was 2.8 million years old—as the greatest discovery in the history of anthropology. According to him, this creature had a small cranial capacity like that of Australopithecus, together with a face similar to that of present-day humans, and was the missing link between Australopithecus and humans. Yet after a short while, it was realized that the KNM-ER 1470 skull’s human-like face, which frequently appeared on the covers of scientific journals and popular scientific magazines, was the result of an incorrect assembly of skull fragments—which “mistake” may have been deliberate.

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