27 Ocak 2010 Çarşamba


There is much other evidence, as well as scientific laws, invalidating evolution, but in this book we have only been able to discuss some of them. Even those should be enough to reveal a most important truth: Although it is cloaked in the guise of science, the theory of evolution is nothing but a deceit: a deceit defended only for the benefit of materialistic philosophy; a deceit based not on science but on brainwashing, propaganda, and fraud. We can summarise what we have noted so far as follows:
The Theory of Evolution has Collapsed
The theory of evolution is a theory that fails at the very first step. The reason is that evolutionists are unable to explain even the formation of a single protein. Neither the laws of probability nor the laws of physics and chemistry offer any chance for the fortuitous formation of life.
Does it sound logical or reasonable when not even a single chance-formed protein can exist, that millions of such proteins combined in an order to produce the cell of a living thing; and that billions of cells managed to form and then came together by chance to produce living things; and that from them generated fish; and that those that passed to land turned into reptiles, birds, and that this is how all the millions of different species on earth were formed?
Even if it does not seem logical to you, evolutionists do believe this fable.
However, it is merely a belief-or rather a false faith-because they do not have even a single piece of evidence to verify their story. They have never found a single transitional form such as a half-fish/half-reptile or half-reptile/half-bird. Nor have they been able to prove that a protein, or even a single amino acid molecule composing a protein, could have formed under what they call primordial earth conditions; not even in their elaborately-equipped laboratories have they succeeded in doing that. On the contrary, with their every effort, evolutionists themselves have demonstrated that no evolutionary process has ever occurred nor could ever have occurred at any time on earth.
Evolution Can not Be Verified in the Future Either
Seeing this, evolutionists can only console themselves by dreaming that science will somehow resolve all these dilemmas in time. However, that science should ever verify such an entirely groundless and illogical claim is out of the question no matter how many years may pass by. On the contrary, as science progresses it only makes the nonsense of evolutionists' claims clearer and plainer.
That is how it has been so far. As more details on the structure and functions of the living cell were discovered, it became abundantly clear that the cell is not a simple, randomly-formed composition, as was thought to be the case according to the primitive biological understanding of Darwin's time.
With the situation being so self-evident, denying the fact of creation and basing the origins of life on extremely unlikely coincidences, and then defending these claims with insistence, may later become a source of great humiliation. As the real face of the evolution theory comes more and more into view and as public opinion comes to see the truth, it may not be long before the purblind fanatic advocates of evolution will not be able to show their faces.
The Biggest Obstacle to Evolution: Soul
There are many species in the world that resemble one another. For instance, there may be many living beings resembling a horse or a cat and many insects may look like one another. These similarities do not surprise anyone.
The superficial similarities between man and ape somehow attract too much attention. This interest sometimes goes so far as to make some people believe the false thesis of evolution. As a matter of fact, the superficial similarities between men and apes do signify nothing. The rhinoceros beetle and the rhinoceros also share certain superficial resemblances but it would be ludicrous to seek to establish some kind of an evolutionary link between these two creatures, one being an insect and the other a mammal, on the grounds of that resemblance.
Other than superficial similarity, apes cannot be said to be closer to man than to other animals. Actually, if level of intelligence is considered, then the honeybee producing the geometrically miraculous structure of the honeycomb or the spider building up the engineering miracle of the spider web can be said to be closer to man. They are even superior in some aspects.
There is a very big difference between man and ape regardless of a mere outward resemblance. An ape is an animal and is no different from a horse or a dog considering its level of consciousness. Yet man is a conscious, strong-willed being that can think, talk, understand, decide, and judge. All of these features are the functions of the soul that man possesses. The soul is the most important difference that interposes a huge gap between man and other creatures. No physical similarity can close this gap between man and any other living being. In nature, the only living thing that has a soul is man.
God Creates According to His Will
Would it matter if the scenario proposed by evolutionists really had taken place? Not a bit. The reason is that each stage advanced by evolutionary theory and based on coincidence could only have occurred as a result of a miracle. Even if life did come about gradually through such a succession of stages, each progressive stage could only have been brought about by a conscious will. It is not just implausible that those stages could have occurred by chance, it is impossible.
The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution: The Fact of Creation
Evolution propaganda, which has gained acceleration lately, is a serious threat to national beliefs and moral values. The Science Research Foundation, which is quite aware of this fact, has undertaken the duty of informing Turkish public about the scientific truth of the matter.
The first of the series of international conferences organised by Science Research Foundation (SRF) took place in 1998. Entitled "The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution: The Fact of Creation", it was held in Istanbul on April 4, 1998. The conference, which was a great success, was attended by recognised experts from around the world and provided a platform on which the theory of evolution was for the first time questioned and refuted scientifically in Turkey. People from all segments of Turkish society attended the conference, which drew a great deal of attention. Those who could not find place in the hall followed the conference live from the closed-circuit television system outside.
The conference included famous speakers from Turkey and from abroad. Following the speeches of SRF members, which revealed the ulterior ideological motives underlying the theory of evolution, a video documentary prepared by SRF was presented.
Dr Duane Gish and Dr Kenneth Cumming, two world-renowned scientists from the Institute for Creation Research in the USA are authorities on biochemistry and paleontology. They demonstrated with substantial proof that the theory of evolution has no validity whatsoever. During the conference, one of the most esteemed Turkish scientists today, Dr Cevat Babuna illustrated the miracles in each phase of a human being's creation with a slide show that shook the "coincidence hypothesis" of evolution to its roots.
PROF. DUANE GISH: "The fossil record refutes the evolutionary theory and it demonstrates that species appeared on Earth fully formed and well designed. This is a concrete evidence for that they were created by God." World-renowned evolution expert Dr. Duane Gish, receiving his SRF plaque from Dr. Nevzat Yalcintas, a member of the Turkish Parliament.
The second international conference in the same series was held three months after the first on July 5, 1998 in Cemal Resit Rey Conference Hall again in Istanbul. The speakers-six Americans and one Turk-gave talks demonstrating how Darwinism had been invalidated by modern science. Cemal Resit Rey Conference Hall, with a seating capacity of a thousand, was filled to overflowing by an audience of rapt listeners.
The speakers and their subjects at this conference are summarised below.
Professor Michael P. Girouard: In his speech, "Is it Possible for Life to Emerge by Coincidences?", Michael Girouard, a professor of biology at Southern Louisiana University, explained through various examples the complexity of proteins, the basic units of life, and concluded that they could only have come into existence as a result of skilled design.
Dr Edward Boudreaux: In his speech, "The Design in Chemistry", Edward Boudreaux, a professor of chemistry at the University of New Orleans, noted that some chemical elements must have been deliberately arranged by creation in order for life to exist. Professor Carl Fliermans: A widely-known scientist in the USA and a microbiology professor at Indiana University conducting a research on "the neutralisation of chemical wastes by bacteria" supported by the US Department of Defence, Carl Fliermans refuted evolutionist claims at the microbiological level.

Professor Edip Keha: A professor of biochemistry, Edip Keha, was the only Turkish speaker of the conference. He presented basic information on the cell and stressed through evidence that the cell could only have come into being as a result of perfect creation.
Professor David Menton: A professor of anatomy at Washington University, David Menton, in a speech that was accompanied by a very interesting computer display, examined the differences between the anatomies of the feathers of birds and the scales of reptiles, thus proving the invalidity of the hypothesis that birds evolved from reptiles.
Professor Duane Gish: Famous evolutionist expert Professor Gish, in his speech entitled "The Origin of Man", refuted the thesis of man's evolution from apes.
ICR President Professor John Morris: Professor Morris, the president of the Institute for Creation Research and a famous geologist, gave a speech on the ideological and philosophical commitments lying behind evolution. He further explained that this theory has been turned into a dogma and that its defenders believe in Darwinism with a religious fervour.
Having listened to all these speeches, the audience witnessed that evolution is a dogmatic belief that is invalidated by science in all aspects. In addition, the poster exhibition entitled "The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution: The Fact of Creation" organised by the Science Research Foundation and displayed in the lobby of CRR Conference Hall attracted considerable interest. The exhibition consisted of 35 posters, each highlighting either a basic claim of evolution or a creation evidence.
PROF. EDWARD BOUDREAUX :"The world we live in, and its natural laws are very precisely set up by the Creator for the benefit of us, humans."
PROF. DAVID MENTON : "I am examining the anatomical features of living things for 30 years. What I saw has always been the evidence of God's creation."
PROF. CARL FLIERMANS : "Modern biochemistry proves that organisms are marvelously designed and this fact alone proves the existence of the Creator."
The third international conference of the series was held on July 12, 1998 at the Sheraton Hotel in Ankara. Participants in the conference-three Americans and one Turk-put forward explicit and substantial evidence that Darwinism has been invalidated by modern science.
Although the conference hall at the Ankara Sheraton Hotel was designed to hold an audience of about a thousand, the number of attendees at the conference exceeded 2,500. Screens were set up outside the conference hall for those who could not find place inside. The poster exhibition entitled "The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution: The Fact of Creation" held next to the conference hall also attracted considerable attention. At the end of the conference, the speakers received a standing ovation, which proved how much the public craved enlightenment on the scientific realities regarding the evolution deceit and the fact of creation.
Following the success of these international conferences, the Science Research Foundation began organising similar conferences all over Turkey. Between August 98 and end 2005 alone, 2,800 conferences were held in Turkey's 72 cities and 150 districts. SRF continues to conduct its conferences in different parts of the country. SRF has also held conferences in England, Holland, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Azerbaijan, Australia, the United States and Canada.

If is said that a protein molecule had been formed under the primordial atmospheric conditions, it has to be remembered that it has been already demonstrated by the laws of probability, biology, and chemistry that this could not have been by chance. But if it must be posited that it was produced, then there is no alternative but to admit that it owed its existence to the will of a Creator. The same logic applies to the entire hypothesis put forward by evolutionists. For instance, there is neither paleontological evidence nor a physical, chemical, biological, or logical justification proving that fish passed from water to land and formed the land animals. But if one must have it that fish clambered onto the land and turned into reptiles, the maker of that claim should also accept the existence of a Creator capable of making whatever He wills come into being with the mere word "be". Any other explanation for such a miracle is inherently self-contradictory and a violation of the principles of reason.
The reality is clear and evident. All life is the product of a perfect design and a superior creation. This in turn provides concrete evidence for the existence of a Creator, the Possessor of infinite power, knowledge, and intelligence.
That Creator is God, the Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and of all that is between them.

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