14 Mart 2010 Pazar


Darwin’s thesis, suggesting that men and apes evolved from a common ancestor, could not be supported by scientific findings, neither during the period it was first proposed, nor in the years since the middle of the 19th century—that is, for approximately 150 years, all efforts put forth to support the fable of man’s evolution have proved void.
All fossils collected have proven that apes were always apes and men were always men; that apes did not transform into men, and that apes and men shared no common ancestor.
Despite Darwinists’ intense propaganda and attempts of intimidation in academic circles, many scientists have found the courage to express this truth. One of them is David Pilbeam, a paleontologist of Harvard University, who states that the so-called evolution of man is a suggestion devoid of any scientific data:
If you brought in a smart scientist from another discipline and showed him the meager evidence we’ve got he’d surely say, “Forget it; there isn’t enough to go on.”1

William Fix, author of The Bone Peddlers, a book on paleontology, expresses how the so-called “evolution” of man is not supported by scientific evidence:

As we have seen, there are numerous scientists and popularizers today who have the temerity to tell us that there is “no doubt” how man originated. If only they had the evidence. . . . 2
In the face of the disappointment caused by the fossil record and the lack of any evidence, evolutionists could only re-arrange the fake skulls several times and make speculations about skulls which have been documented to be counterfeits. However, researches made on the skulls of apes, as well as other living beings and different human races that lived in the past, revealed that these living beings have had existed with all the features they had and have not changed throughout history.
This means that living beings have not undergone any process of evolution, and have all been created by the All-Mighty God. As the examples in the following pages also reveal, as well as other organs and limbs of many living creatures such as frogs, lizards, dragonflies, flies and cockroaches, their heads also have not changed. The head structures of birds and fish also remained the same. From the first moment, lions, wolves, foxes, rhinoceroses, pandas, tigers, leopards and hyenas were created, they had the same head structures and they retained these same structures for tens of millions of years.
This unchanging anatomy refutes the claim of evolution of living beings.

A 20-million-year-old fossilized rhino skull 

This sameness, which is common to all species, also holds true for man. Just as no changes have happened in the head structures of tens of thousands of living species over millions of years, no evolutional change occurred in the skulls of men. Just as fish have always remained as fish, birds have always remained as birds and reptiles remained as reptiles, so men always remained as men. No organ or structure of any living being have “evolved” from the primitive to more advanced forms, as evolutionists continually suggest.
While evolutionists talk about the so-called evolution of man, they make their own evolutionary arrangement and family tree, presenting the volumes, eyebrow projection or forehead structures of the skulls they unearth as evidence. But these structural differences are by no means any evidence for evolution, for some of these skulls belong to different races of men who lived in the past, whereas others belong to some extinct species of ape. It is utterly natural that different human races should have different skull structures. Different fish species also have differently shaped heads. For instance the shape of head of a salmon trout is much different from that of an eel, yet both are fish.
Similarly, there are differences between the skull structures of different human races. There are differences in forehead structures, eyeholes, eyebrow projections and skull volumes between Pigmies and British, Russians and Chinese, Aborigines and Inuit or Blacks and Japanese. Yet these differences do not mean that one race has evolved from another or that any particular race is “more primitive” or “more advanced” than any other.


Just like all other organs and features, the skulls and the head structures of the various species have remained exactly the same for millions of years. No evolutionary change has ever occurred in the skulls of any living creature. Just like all those species that remained exactly the same for millions of years without any evolutionary change, nor have humans ever faced any evolutionary change. We have always existed as humans, with all our anatomical features. The skulls that are put forward as evidence for so-called evolution belong either to extinct species of monkeys, or to human races that no longer exist today. And none of them can be accepted as evidence for evolution.

As long as an Aborigine line does not mix up with another race, their features will always remain the same. No matter how much time passes, these people will not evolve in such a way as to acquire different features. They will not acquire skulls with bigger volumes or different anatomical features.

Some races living today, like the Malaysian native to the side, have the large eyebrow projections and the foreheads that are inclined backwards—features peculiar to Homo erectus skulls.

 For instance, some Malaysian natives living today have the large eyebrow projections and the foreheads that are inclined backwards—a feature peculiar to Homo erectus skulls, which evolutionists call “primitive.” If the suggestions of evolutionists were true, then these Malaysian natives should have the so-called structure and appearance of an under-developed man, who was recently evolved from apes. However, this is by no means the case. The fact that some anatomical features of the Homo erectus skull are also seen today reveals that H. erectus was not a primitive species, as well as the fact that the evolutionist scenario of “man’s family tree” is simply a lie.


Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) are humans who appeared in Europe 100,000 years ago and ceased to exist approximately 35,000 years ago-or may have been assimilated by mixing with other human races. The main differences between them and present-day humans are that their skeletons are a bit more massive and the average volumes of their skulls are a bit larger. Scientific findings point out that Neanderthals were a fully human race with a level of intelligence and culture no different than those of ours.
Cro-Magnon Man is also a race believed to have lived 30,000 years ago. They have a dome-shaped skull and a wide forehead. The 1600-cubic-centimeter volume of their skull is higher than that of the average present-day human. They have thick eyebrow bulges on their skulls and also have a bony bulge at the back of their skulls, which is also a characteristic feature of Neanderthals.
Much the same kind of physical differences between the Cro-Magnon and Neanderthals also exist between the present-day human races. Just as the diversities between an American and an Inuit, or an African and a European, do not prove that any one of them is superior to any other; so physical properties of these extinct races do not make them primitive or ape-like. These races were assimilated by the other races or, for some unknown reason, they left the stage of history. Yet in no way were they “primitives” or “half-apes.” They existed as perfect human beings.

 In brief, the fact that some races of humans who lived in the past have different anatomical structures is no evidence for evolution. Anatomical differences can be seen in every age, between every different human race. The skulls of Americans and Japanese, Europeans and Aborigines, Inuit, Blacks or Pygmies are not the same. Yet this does not suggest that any of these races is more advanced or more primitive than any other.

 If, thousands of years later, a scientist finds the skull of an American 1.90 meters tall who lived in the 2000s and decides to compare it with the skull of a Japanese 1.60 meters in height who also lived in the 21st century, he will observe many differences, the size being the first.
If, based on these differences, he claims that Americans were more advanced in the imaginary evolutionary process while Japanese were simply primitive hominids, his interpretation will surely be far from reflecting the truth.
Moreover, size of a skull is no measure of a human being’s intelligence or skills. Many people have adequately-developed bodies, but limited mental capabilities. Similarly, there are many very intelligent people whose bodies and indeed, skulls are smaller than others’. Based solely on size, ranking these people’s skulls into a so-called evolutionary arrangement would surely have no scientific value, for any such arrangement will not reflect the facts. Differences in skull volume makes no difference on intelligence and skills, as is well-known.
The skull of someone who engages in intense mental activities throughout his life does not grow. He simply becomes more mentally capable. Intelligence changes not according to the volume of the brain, but via the organization of neurons and synapses within the brain. 3

Imitation in Apes Does Not Mean that Apes Can Evolve into Humans

Darwinists claim that the imitative capability of apes is evidence for their allegation that apes evolved into humans. True, apes are capable of imitating the gestures and behaviors they see. When trained to do so, they can differentiate the shapes and colors of objects, and react intelligently to stimuli. However, this does not mean that they evolved into humans over the course of time. If such was the case, then all the animal species known to be intelligent—dogs, cats, horses—should be expected to evolve into humans gradually.
For instance, when parrots are trained, they can discriminate square shapes from the circles, red from blue, and can replace objects in the right places. Moreover, the parrots have the ability to talk by imitating human voices, which apes cannot do. In which case—according to the unreasonable claims of the Darwinists—parrots should have a greater possibility of evolving into intelligent humans.
The fox is another animal known for its intelligence. According to Darwinists’ unreasonable and unscientific logic, the skull size of foxes should grow gradually, proportional to their intelligence, and in time, these mammals should evolve into a species as intelligent and conscious as humans. However this transformation never happened. Foxes have always remained foxes.
It is amazing to watch people with academic careers seriously trying to explain these unreasonable claims, by embellishing them with scientific terms and Latin words. No matter how the apes develop their mental capabilities and manual skills, or imitate what they see around them, this would not some day make them humans. Apes have always been apes, and will always remain so. And no matter how hard evolutionists may argue otherwise, the truth is evident: Man has come into existence not through any evolutionary process but has been created by God, with the intelligence, consciousness and conscience God has given him.
Man was created as man and has existed as man since his creation. This is the truth that both wisdom and science have shown us.

The Tale of Human Evolution is Full of Deceptions

Throughout geologic history, more than 6,000 species of ape have lived, and most have gone extinct. Today, only 120 ape species remain on the Earth. But those approximately 6,000 extinct species of apes constitute a rich resource for the evolutionists. They created a scenario for human evolution that suited their purposes by arranging some of the skulls of extinct ape species and human races in an order, from the smallest to the largest and embellishing them with prejudiced comments. By using these methods, they have been trying for years to gain adherents for the theory of evolution and deceive people. But now they need to see that the methods they’ve employed are no longer of any use.
Some of the fabricated evidence that evolutionists use to convince others that the scenario of human evolution is true are these:
1. The Piltdown Man, discovered by Charles Dawson in 1912 and which was alleged to be 500,000 years old, was displayed as an absolute proof of so-called human evolution. However, about 40 years after the “fossil” was discovered, scientists examined it once more and revealed an astonishing forgery. The Piltdown Man’s skull belonged to a 500-year-old man, and its mandibular bone belonged to a recently deceased ape. The teeth had been specially arranged and added to the jaw, and their joints filed down in order to make them resemble those of a human. Then all these pieces of bone had been stained with potassium dichromate to give them an ancient appearance.
2. In 1922, Henry Fairfield Osborn, the director of the American Museum of Natural History, declared that he had found a fossilized molar tooth belonging to the Pliocene epoch in western Nebraska near Snake Brook. This tooth allegedly bore the common characteristics of both man and ape, and came from a new species dubbed “Nebraska Man.” Based on this single tooth, reconstructions of Nebraska Man’s head and body were conjectured. Moreover, Nebraska Man was even pictured with his entire family! But in 1927, other parts of the skeleton were also found, and these newly discovered pieces showed that the tooth belonged neither to a man nor to an ape, but to an extinct species of wild American pig called Prosthennops.
3. Ramapithecus is known to be the biggest and longest-lasting fallacies of the theory of evolution. This name was given to fossils found in India in 1932, which allegedly represented the first stage of the split between the man and the ape, which supposedly occurred 14 million years ago. This fossil was used as solid evidence by the evolutionists for 50-some years. However, further analysis revealed that the dental characteristics of Ramapithecus were quite similar to that of some living chimpanzees. For example, Theropithecus galada, a high-altitude baboon living in Ethiopia, has incisors and canines, which are small relative to those of other living apes, and a short face like Ramapithecus. In the April 1982 issue of Science, an article titled “Humans lose an early ancestor” announced that Ramapithecus is only an extinct orangutan.

4. In July 1984, a nearly complete fossilized skeleton of an obvious human was discovered in Lake Turkana in Kenya. It is assumed that this fossil, nicknamed Turkana Boy, had been about 12 years old, and would have stood 1.83 meters tall when he became an adult. The erect structure of the skeleton is in no way different from humans today. The long, tall build of this skeleton totally matches with the skeletons of men currently living in the world’s tropical regions. Richard Leakey said that this boy would go unnoticed in a crowd today.4 Since this human skeleton was found in strata dated to be 1.6 million years old, it was classified by age alone as another representative of Homo erectus. The Turkana Boy is a typical example of the prejudiced and tendentious interpretation of the fossils by evolutionists.
5. “Lucy” is the name given to the fossil discovered by anthropologist Donald Johanson in 1974. Many evolutionists claimed that Lucy was the transitional form between the humans and their so-called hominid ancestors. However further analysis on this fossil revealed that Lucy is only the member of an extinct ape species, known as Australopithecus. The brain size of the Australopithecus is similar to chimpanzees. Many other characteristics—such as details in their skulls, the closeness of their eyes, their sharp molar teeth, their mandibular structure, their long arms and short legs—constitute evidence that these creatures were no different from today’s chimpanzees. Even the pelvis is similar to that of chimpanzees.5
6. Richard Leakey presented the skull designated KNM-ER 1470—which he said was 2.8 million years old—as the greatest discovery in the history of anthropology. According to him, this creature had a small cranial capacity like that of Australopithecus, together with a face similar to that of present-day humans, and was the missing link between Australopithecus and humans. Yet after a short while, it was realized that the KNM-ER 1470 skull’s human-like face, which frequently appeared on the covers of scientific journals and popular scientific magazines, was the result of an incorrect assembly of skull fragments—which “mistake” may have been deliberate.

As you have seen, there is no scientific discovery that supports, much less confirms, the theory of evolution, only some scientists who believe in it blindly. These scientists believe in the myth of evolution themselves, even though it lacks any scientific foundation, and also try to make others believe it by using deceptive constructions and prejudiced interpretations. All the news about the so-called “ancestor of humans” and the illustrations used in these news are simply fabrications. Solid evidence has demolished the tale of human evolution.
In the following pages, we give some examples of the innumerable fossilized skulls that invalidate the theory of evolution. These skulls are among the evidence that none of these living creatures has ever changed throughout history, that none has transformed itself into another species and that every species has always existed with all the features it possessed from the very beginning.
Along with these pieces of evidence, the impasse and the absence of logic in Darwinist thought are presented. For example, Darwinists claim that species improved through continuous change. But how do they explain the constancy which is regularly seen in all living creatures? The theory of evolution that claims humans are supposedly descended from apes should also explain why other species have not undergone a process of transformation similar to the imaginary one apes have supposedly experienced.
Darwinists have no answer as to why bears have not decided to become bipedal on a given day, or why a fox has not been evolved into a skilled professor by developing its intelligence, or why a panda has not become a painter who creates impressive works of art. The subject of evolution has been depicted with examples and logics that even children could easily dismiss, simply to proclaim the inconceivable irrationality of Darwinism. Darwinism is presented as if it were a scientific theory, but is in fact an inconceivably irrational ideology.
As you shall see, Darwinism is the biggest scandal in history, founded entirely on lies and fraud and on irrational and illogical claims. The entire world will witness the final collapse of Darwinism in the 21st century.

1. Richard E. Leakey, The Making of Mankind, London: Michael Joseph Limited, 1981, p. 43.
2. William R. Fix, The Bone Peddlers, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1984, pp. 150-153.
3. Marvin Lubenow, Bones of Contention, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1992, p. 136.
4 Ibid., p. 83.
5 Richard Allan and Tracey Greenwood, “Primates and Human Evolution” in the textbook Year 13 Biology, 1999,
Student Resource and Activity Manual, (Biozone International, printed in New Zealand), p. 260.


Age: 100 million years  old
Location: Myanmar
Period: Cretaceous
The mushroom fossil pictured shows that 100 million years ago, these life forms were in existence with all their functions and characteristics fully present, and have not changed at all since then. In exactly the same way, millions of fossils unearthed since the mid-18th century reveal, that evolution never took place. Therefore, paleontologists who abandon their preconceptions must also abandon evolution and Darwinism, as is made clear in the book A Closer Loot at the Evidence:
“Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides of seeing evolution, it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists, the most notorious of which is the presence of 'gaps' in the fossil record." Richard L. & Christina E. Kleiss, A Closer Look at the Evidence, Search for the Truth Publications, Mart 2004, p. January


Age: 100 million years old
Location: Myanmar
Period: Cretaceous
The beetle pictured, a member of the Cantharidae family, is important evidence that soldier beetles were using their same chemical defense mechanism 100 million years ago. According to a scientific paper published by Oregon University’s George Poinar, an authority on amber, specimens of insects that used chemical defenses had previously been discovered in the fossil record. For example, the poison sacs of various squids of the Jurassic period, soldier termites in Dominican ambers contained the defensive secretions. Other Dominican ambers had been discovered containing various kinds of worms that also employed a similar mechanism. But no such fossil specimen of that age of a soldier beetle using that mechanism had ever been encountered before. 
If any living thing made full use of an exceptionally complex defense mechanism 100 million years ago—back when evolutionists maintain that life was supposedly very primitive—then it is of course impossible to use evolution to explain it.
This insect was fossilized while spraying its enemy with a defensivechemical secretion.


Age: 100 million years old
Location: Myanmar
Period: Cretaceous
According to evolutionists’ unscientific claims, butterflies and elephants, whales and ants, orchids and stinging nettles, human beings and fish all supposedly share the same common ancestor.
The fossil record is the most important evidence disproving that claim. Life forms are preserved exactly as they were tens of thousands, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years in the past. Thus fossils of life forms that once existed should show by what imaginary transitional stages they assumed their present forms. Traces of their so-called common ancestors should also be encountered. Yet no intermediate stages, nor any supposed common ancestors of the kind claimed by evolutionists, can be seen anywhere in the fossil record. Millions specimens like the 100-million-year-old ant lion pictured show that living things have always remained unchanged. In other words, the theory of evolution remains unproven.


Age: 50 million years old
Location: Poland
Period: Eocene
Darwinists maintain that when mud was transformed as the work of chance by such natural phenomena as lightning over a long period, the result was possible for roses, carnations, birds, insects and humans who build cities, investigate the subparticles of the atom, compose symphonies and voyage into outer space. Even a primary-school student would regard this ludicrous, and illogical idea as deficient in logic, but for purely ideological reasons, evolutionists maintain it in all seriousness.
In a paper published in Scientific American magazine, the evolutionist George Wald described at length how chance could do anything if given sufficient time. As he went on to say:
“Given so much time, the 'impossible' becomes possible, the possible probable, and the probable virtually certain. One has only to wait: time itself performs the miracles.” (George Wald, "The origin of life'. Scientific American, vol. 191 (2), August 1954, p.48))
Wald’s words are most striking examples of evolutionist illogicality. The fact is that even after the passage of 2 billion or 100 billion years, stones and dirt will never be able to develop into human beings that feel, think, make judgments, rejoice, produce works of art, research, love and are loved by others. Life is the work of our Sublime and Mighty Lord, not of blind chance.


Age: 100 million years old
Location: Myanmar
Period: Cretaceous
Evolutionist publications portray every new fossil discovery as supposedly supporting the theory of evolution. Reports that appear under such headlines as “Traces of Our Ancestors Found,” “Insect Evolution Finally Deciphered” or “Forerunner of the Fly Discovered,” but a close reading clearly reveals that nothing in these findings actually supports evolution at all. On the contrary, all the facts refute evolution. But the facts are dismissed by way of biased reporting, scientific truths are ignored, and fictitious Darwinist myths are repeated instead of the scientific realities.
However, it is no longer possible for the public to believe such fantasies. Countless fossils, like the specimen illustrated, have been exhibited, and the fact that the origin of life does not lie in evolution has been proven with indisputable evidence.


Age: 50 million years old
Location: Poland
Period: Eocene
By evaluating scientific findings from a neutral perspective, anyone can easily see that Darwin’s claims are untrue. To date, for example, Darwin’s claim that living species undergo small inherited changes over the course of time has not been supported by any scientific data. All we have are fantasies, the work of Darwinists’ imaginations, and ideological insistence.
The well-known British biologist Brian Goodwin describes how Darwin’s theory enjoys no scientific backing:
Darwin's assumption that the tree of life is a consequence of the gradual accumulation of small hereditary differences appears to be without significant support. Some other process is responsible for the remergent properties of life, those distinctive features that separate one group of organisms from another—fishes and amphibians, worms and insects, horsetails and grasses. (George Wald, "The origin of life”, Scientific American, vol. 191 (2), August 1954, p.48)
By referring to another process as responsible for the emergence of living things, Goodwin is actually referring to the fact of Creation, although he is reluctant to openly describe it as such. Yet the fact that he is so unwilling to admit can still be seen by anyone possessed of reason.


Age: 100 million years old
Location: Myanmar
Period: Cretaceous
The specimen amber shown here is 100 million years old and contains a snail shell. The fact that there is no difference between the shells of present-day snails and those alive 100 million years ago totally invalidates evolutionists’ claims. Had snails evolved, as evolutionists maintain, then the structure of their shells 100 million years ago should be very different to that of shells today. But there is not the slightest difference between them, and this is one of the proofs that evolution never took place, and that Creation is the origin of life.


Age: 100 million years old
Location: Myanmar
Period:  Cretaceous
Fossils in amber are important examples of the kinds of forest life that existed tens of millions of years ago. Research into amber specimens provides information about not only the life forms preserved in them, but also about their habitats and other living things in their ecosystem. This 100-million-year-old fossil shows how reptilian feet have remained unchanged despite the passage of so much time. Whatever characteristics living reptiles have now, they are the same as to those living 100 million years ago.


Age: 50 million years old
Location: Poland
Period: Eocene
If any insect that existed 50 million years ago had all the organs and physical features possessed by the same insect today, then it is impossible to state that this life form has achieved its present form through evolution. Research over the last 150 years or so has produced no candidates for the supposed ancestor of the more than 1 million known species of insects. Nor is it likely for any answer to be forthcoming in the future, because insects are not descended from any alleged common forebear. Insects did not assume their present-day forms through evolution. Every species is created with its own particular characteristics and never changes so long as that species survives. The fossil record is the most important proof of that.


Age: 50 million years old
Location: Poland
Period: Eocene
In his book The Nature of the Fossil Record, Derek Ager makes an important admission:
It must be significant that nearly all the evolutionary stories I learned as a student . . . have now been debunked. (Derek Ager The Nature of the Fossil Record, Proceedings of the Geological Association, Vol. 87, No. 2 (1976), pp. 131-159)
Ager wrote those words in 1976. The levels now reached by science and technology have disproved all the claims of evolution. One of the most important evidence establishing this is the fossil record. Countless specimen, such as the 50-million-year-old spider pictured, totally refute Darwins theory.


Age: 50 million years old
Location: Poland
Period: Eocene
If evolutionist claims were true, and living species were constantly changing since the day they first appeared, then species alive tens of millions of years ago should not at all resemble those living today. Development, change and progress should be observed everywhere. Yet the fossil record reveals the exact opposite. The scenarios of progressive development that appear in evolutionist papers and journals are all fantasies, totally divorced from reality—as is described even in evolutionist books:
Has there been progress in evolution? Are recent plants and animals more advanced then their predecessor, or at least more complex? Of course not. (Richard Ellis, Aquagenesis, The Origin and Evolution of Life in the Sea, Penguin Books, 2001, p. 7)


Age: 50 million years old
Location: Poland
Period: Eocene
Even after some 150 years of fossil research, not even one intermediate form fossil showing a link between two different life forms has ever been found. Every fossil discovered reveals that living things have come into being with all their characteristics already intact, and have been created. One such fossil is the 50-million-year-old bee fly pictured. Bee flies have remained unaltered and have maintained all their characteristics despite the intervening 50 million years—living proof that evolution never occurred.

CRANE FLY (Tipulidae)

Age: 100 million years old
Location: Myanmar
Period:  Cretaceous
Fossils are exceedingly significant because they clearly reveal, in a manner that anyone can understand, that evolution never happened. That is why the French zoologist Pierre Grassé says:
Naturalists must remember that the process of evolution is revealed only through fossil forms. A knowledge of paleontology is, therefore, a prerequisite; only paleontology can provide them with the evidence of evolution. (Pierre Grassé, Evolution of Living Organisms, New York: Academic Press, 1977, p. 297)
Yet all the work carried out by paleontologists over the past 150 years has presented evolutionists with a terrible disappointment. No traces of the past have provided any findings in support of evolutionists’ claims. All the fossils so far unearthed, without exception, indicate that living things are the work of our Omniscient Lord, not of blind chance.


Age: 100 million years old
Location: Myanmar
Period: Cretaceous
One hundred million years is a relatively long time for any life form’s completion of the supposed evolutionary development. If evolutionists’ views were accurate, then over the course of all that time, ant-like stone beetles should have turned into very different forms and should bear no resemblance to beetles still alive today. Yet despite the passage of millions of years, ant-like stone beetles—like all other life forms—have undergone not the slightest change. They were the same 100 million years ago as they are today, which makes any reference to evolution impossible.


Age: 50 million years old
Location: Baltic region, Jantarny, Russia
Period: Eocene
Living things of the order Opliones, of which there estimated to be some 6,400 species, are members of the class Arachnida (arachnids). The theory of evolution cannot explain how one single protein or the first living element formed, much less why living things have remained unaltered for tens of millions of years.
One of the fossils that silence evolutionists is the 50-million-year-old harvestman pictured. The way that harvestmen have remained unchanged for so long cannot be explained in terms of evolution. There is only one possible explanation: Creation.


Age: 50 million years old
Location: Poland
Period: Eocene
One of the propaganda techniques Darwinists use most effectively is providing a detailed exposition of something that never happened as if it really took place. For example, evolutionist articles, describe mutations and natural selection at length, even though they do not have an ability to give rise to new species. They ascribe these fictitous mechanisms to a supposedly creative power (God is beyond that).
The truth of the matter is very different. Yet because of this indoctrination, many people with scant knowledge of the subject imagine that evolution is undeniable, an inseparable cornerstone of biology. In fact, however, science has long since written off the theory of evolution.
Arthur Koestler describes the misinterpretation of natural selection and mutation, which are portrayed as the two mechanisms of evolution, but which actually have no such power or effect at all:
In the meantime, the educated public continues to believe that Darwin has provided all the relevant answers by the magic formula of random mutations plus natural selection—quite unaware of the fact that random mutations turned out to be irrelevant and natural selection a tautology.” (Luther D. Sunderland, Darwin’s Enigma, Master Book Publishers, California, 1988, p.32)


Age: 50 million years old
Location: Poland
Period: Eocene
Darwinism’s basic claim is that living species constantly change and develop in a supposed process of evolution. Yet observation reveals no evidence to support this Darwinist fantasy. Scientific discoveries over the last 150 years have not confirmed Darwinism even once. On the contrary, every new finding has been a new death knell. One such discovery is the 50-million-year-old snipefly illustrated. This fossil is an evidence that like all other species of flies, snipe flies have never changed, and have never evolved.

SNAKE FLY (Raphidioptera)

Age: 125  million years
Location: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
Period: Cretaceous
Snake flies, of which there are estimated to be 150 or so species, are members of the class Raphidioptera—another life form showing that evolution never took place. In fact, scientific circles are well aware that the fossil record does not support evolution. But because of their ideological dependance on the theory, they never openly admit this fact.
In his book Aquagenesis, The Origin and Evolution of Life in the Sea, Richard Ellis states that fossils prove stasis, rather than the change expected by evolution:
The fossil evidence does not provide ready answers to questions of descent or relationships, but it unequivocally demonstrates the durability and complexity of life’s history on Earth.” (Richard Ellis, Aquagenesis, The Origin and Evolution of Life in the Sea, Penguin Books, 2001, p. 6)


Age: 73 million years old
Location: Dai Lin, Yun Nan, China
Period: Cretaceous
The history of evolution is filled with hoaxes. Attempts have been made to portray fossils of various extinct life forms or even a few fragments of fossilized bone as evidence of imaginary transitions. Fossils of living species have long been described to the public by the evolutionists as living things that have been evolving. But a profound silence has now replaced all this misleading speculation regarding fossils. Eventually, as you can see from the 73-million-year-old hyena skull shown here, it was realized that many present-day life forms lived millions of years ago in exactly the same forms they have now and that therefore, they never evolved. The time has now come for evolutionists to put an end to their hoaxes and speculations about the myth of human evolution.


Age: 65 million years old
Location: Ma Ling Mountain, China
Period: Paleocene
All the important details, including the teeth, of this animal can be seen in this 65-million-year-old skull.
The universe created by God contains flawless marvels of Creation. Every manifestation of beauty created in the universe is also a manifestation of His omniscience and sublime artistry. It is God Who creates from nothing, and there are no bounds to His Creation.
Darwinism tries to make people forget that we inhabit a universe filled with perfect details. In fact, however, anyone looking at all the innumerable living things and seeing how these, have all lived in exactly the same form for millions of years—as this 65-million-year-old lynx skull demonstrates—will be freed from this indoctrination and come to the conclusion we inhabit a world of true marvels. All entities are the work of Almighty God.


Age: 51 million years old
Location: Gao Xiong, Taiwan
Period: Paleocene
No fossil indicating that life forms share common ancestors has ever been found. In the fossil record, there is no  sign that living things are in a constant state of change. Then why are Darwinists so determined to cling to their theory? Why do they insist on defending the idea that living things evolved, when there is so much evidence that they were in fact created by God? The reason is ideological. Defending the theory of evolution is of vital importance for materialist and atheist ideologies.
No matter how much Darwinists persist in the theory of evolution, the fossil record constantly produces more evidence that totally discredits it. The 51-million-year-old jackal skull pictured is one such example. The fossil reveals that, just like turtles, tigers, foxes, mink, lions, rhinoceroses and all other living things, jackals never underwent evolution at any time.


Age: 73 million years old
Location: Qi Pan, Yun Nan, China
Period: Cretaceous
Darwinists’ ruses and the techniques they use to mislead people are now totally futile. Faced with atlases that make the fact of Creation crystal-clear—and countless fossils that demonstrate how living things have never changed in the slightest—Darwinists have seen that all life forms were created out of nothing. Their ruses have been exposed and effectively neutralized.
By itself, this 73-million-year-old leopard skull is sufficient evidence to show that all tales regarding the changes supposedly undergone by life forms are totally invalid. They show that leopards living 73 million years ago had exactly the same characteristics as leopards living today.
The jaw structure and teeth of this fossil can be seen in great detail.


Age: 45 million years old
Location: Xi An, China
Period: Eocene
God has created all living things with their different appearances and forms. In the same way that their lifestyles and needs differ, so there are profound differences in their body structures. This means it is not difficult to describe the fossils that are unearthed, making it possible to establish the anatomical features of a living thing whose fossil remains have been discovered. The 45-million-year-old zebra fossil illustrated makes this distinction. It’s evident that there is no difference between the fossil’s characteristics and those of a present-day zebra’s skull.
There is no doubt that this is one of God’s divine miracles. The scientific evidence to hand is too definitive for scientists to be able to deny, even if they are evolutionists. It’s a scientific fact that species have not changed, and they have undergone no evolutionary process.


Age: 33 million years old
Location: Yun Nan, China
Period: Oligocene
The myth of the horse evolution is one of Darwinism’s best-known frauds. This scenario—which many contemporary evolutionists admit is untrue—is still defended by a number of fanatical Darwinists. However, this claim is full of extraordinary inconsistencies and lacks any scientific evidence, and has been totally refuted. Horses have remained unchanged over millions of years. The 33-million-year-old Asian wild horse skull illustrated shows that horses lived in exactly the same way then as they do now. This by itself is sufficient to demolish all Darwinist claims about the alleged horse evolution.


Age: 29 million years old
Location: Yin Chuan, China
Period: Oligocene
Evolutionists’ attempts to portray the wild donkey as the ancestor of the horse are totally hollow. Fossils have proven that wild donkeys have always existed as wild donkeys, and are not descended from any other life form. The fossil illustrated shows that wild donkeys living 27 million years ago were identical to those living today—which effectively silences all evolutionist claims.
New species did not emerge as the result of mutations and blind coincidences. It is Almighty God, Who possesses a sublime creative power, Who created them all.


Age: 4.3 million years old
Location: Gan Su, China
Period: Pliocene
Fossil specimens dating back millions of years, when compared with present-day life forms, reveal that there was no transition in morphology and that evolution from one species to another never happened. This fact applies equally to ants and butterflies, polar bears and lizards, and fruit flies and zebras. Darwin’s theory of evolution is unsupported by any scientific findings whatsoever. No evidence to support it has ever been produced since Darwin’s day. And with every passing day, the fossil record makes that lack of evidence even more obvious. This 4.3-million-year-old raccoon skull clearly shows that Darwin was completely wrong.

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Age: 3.9 million years old
Location: Gan Su, China
Period: Pliocene
According to evolutionist claims, the camel’s large skull, long neck and humps must be the result of a large sequence of mutations. As a result, there should have been innumerable mammals with semi-lengthened necks, odd-shaped heads and incipient humps. These imaginary life forms should be encountered frequently in the fossil record, and there should be no trace of fully-formed camels dating back millions of years, like the one shown here. But data from the fossil record show that such imaginary transitional forms never existed. Camels never passed through any intermediate stages, and have always existed as fully-formed camels.


Age: 32 million years old
Location: Qing Dao, China
Period: Oligocene
Not one single fossil possessing half-ape and half-human characteristics has ever been found. All the fossils portrayed at one time or another as evidence for the supposed evolution of man have later been exposed as hoaxes, and all have been withdrawn by evolutionists themselves. All they have left are scenarios based on Darwinists’ imaginations.
Concrete findings have proven that monkeys have always existed as monkeys, while human beings have always been human. One such finding is the 32-million-year-old monkey skull shown here.


Age: 78 million years old
Location: Lan Zhou, Gan Su, China
Period: Cretaceous
The theory of evolution—about which countless false pieces of evidence have been produced and which has been kept alive by the invention of totally incredible scenarios—has now come to the end of its life. People are realizing that they have faced a terrible deception. From now on, no scenario invented by Darwinists will have any effect, and their theory’s collapse will continue apace, because scientific findings totally refute evolution.
This 78-million-year-old grey fox skull is just one of the proofs that are accelerating this collapse. Darwinism has been completely discredited in the face of living fossils.


Age: 3.1 million years old
Location: Yun Nan, China
Period: Pliocene
Darwinists cannot account for the trilobite’s eye, which these crustaceans already possessed as long as 530 million years ago. Darwinists cannot explain how living things in the sea, on land and in the air appeared suddenly and survived unchanged for the entire course of their existence. Darwinists maintain that one species developed into another, but they cannot explain how a single original cell could change in such a way as to assume different functions in a multi-cellular creature. Darwinism is a theory at a dead end, and is gradually dying out as new discoveries are made with every passing day. The 3.1-million-year-old Caribbean monk seal skull shown here is one of the many proofs to accelerate this process of disappearance.


Age: 78million years old
Location: He Zheng, Gan Su, China
Period: Cretaceous
God has the power to create from nothing. Failing to comprehend this, Darwinists cannot or will not understand that God creates a living thing whenever He so desires, simply by commanding it to “Be!” This lack of belief and lack of awareness of the true facts underlie the illogical scenarios and false proofs they come up with. Yet people who are not influenced by the Darwinist spell have no difficulty in grasping the magnificent Creation in the world. Clearly, living things have been created and equipped with perfect systems. They have been the same down through their generations, since the moment they were first created.
The 78-million-year-old fisher marten skull illustrated is one of the representatives of this reality.


Age: 48 million years old
Location: Gan Su, China
Period: Eocene
In 1993, Stephen Jay Gould wrote in the magazine Natural History about the way living species can be observed to have exactly the same characteristics throughout the fossil record:
Stasis, or nonchange of most fossil species during their lengthy geological lifespans, was tacitly acknowledged by all paleontologists, but almost never studied explicitly because prevailing theory treated stasis as uninteresting nonevidence for nonevolution . . . [T]he  overwhelming prevalence of stasis became an embarrassing feature of the fossil record, but left ignored as a manifestation of nothing (that is, nonevolution). (S. J. Gould, “Cordelia’s Dilemma”, Natural History, February, p. 10-18)
The only reason why evolutionists refer to the stasis in the fossil record as “embarrassing” is that if living things experience no changes, that invalidates the theory of evolution. This information, which shows that evolution never happened, is evidence for the fact of Creation.


Age: 75 million years old
Location: Gan Su, China
Period: Cretaceous
Darwinists claim that living things are descended from one another and assumed their present form by way of gradual changes over time. If this claim were true, then it should be apparent from the fossil record. Yet the Earth produces nothing but fossils dating back millions of years that are identical to specimens alive today. There is not a single transitional form to verify Darwinists’ claims. All living things, from the smallest to the largest, existed millions of years ago in the same forms as they are today.
If other living things never changed, then there are no rational and scientific grounds left for claiming that human beings changed. Humans have always been fully human, and have never altered.


Age: 65 million years old
Location: Meng Gu, China
Period: Cretaceous
Giraffes are noted for their extraordinarily long necks. Darwinists hypothesized that the necks of these animals lengthened gradually as they stretched to reach higher branches. This, one of the best known deception of the theory of evolution, is totally refuted by the fossil evidence: giraffes were exactly the same 65 million years ago as they are today. There is no trace of any specimens in the fossil record undergoing constant change and growing longer necks in order to reach higher branches. The giraffe today is exactly the same as it was 65 million years ago.


Age: 50 million years old
Location: Da Quing, Hei Long Jiang, China
Period: Eocene
Specimens of these mammals dating back 50 million years have been perfectly preserved. This specimen, also millions of years old, shows that antelopes have never been subjected to any alteration, and neither descended from nor evolved into any other life form. Just like zebras, wolves, tigers and foxes millions of years old, these living things were also created in the manner determined by God, and never changed since. As is the case with all other life forms, there is not a single intermediate form to support the myth of human evolution. As with all other evolutionist claims, this one is completely false. Living things on Earth never evolved.